Flying the Flag Higher; Creating History; Setting World Records

All country flags are the ultimate representation of the nation’s pride that epitomizes their deepest love for the motherland. People around the globe fly their country flags to express gratitude on the most prestigious occasions. Flying the country flags and holding it higher and higher illustrates the nation’s patriotism. Keeping the patriotic spirits high and showcase the national pride to the whole world is the ultimate desire for every nation. Guinness World Records holds striking history of world records accomplished by the patriotic nations gracing their country flags and creating the history.
Although there are thousands of records comprising of all country flags achieved by hundreds of the nations, here we are presenting plenty of them created within the recent past years.
Guinness World Records Achieved with the Human Country Flags
Guinness World Record for the largest floating human flag belongs to China where 536 Chinese swimmers floated together for about an hour to make the largest human flag of 551 m², on 13th May 2019.
UAE created the history of waving the largest human country flag with 4130 participants, on 28th November 2017 and set the highest record for their competitors to break.
India accomplished the world record for the largest human country flag on 7th December, 2014 where a total of 43,830 people participated in creating history.
Pakistan achieved the world record of waving the national flag with the most people, on 1st March 2014, involving 56,618 participants to set a world record for their competitors.
The world record for maintaining the human flag on two fingers for the longest duration of 26.72 seconds belongs to Italy where an Italian artist Stefano Scarpa-the flagman achieved the record on 1st March 2014.
The world record for maintaining the human flag for the longest time also belongs to China, achieved on 15th August 2011. The human flag was maintained for 1 min 5.71 seconds that represents quite the toughest record for the competitors to break.
Guinness World Records Achieved with the Country Flags
United Arab Emirates holds the world record for flying the largest country flag of 2,448.56 m² that was achieved on 2nd November 2017. UAE also owns the world record for flying the largest national flag of 144.28 m² while skydiving, on 25th November 2019.
Indonesia achieved the world record for unfurling the largest flag of 1,014 m² underwater. The record was accomplished on 3rd August 2019 where most people scuba dove simultaneously to unfurled the largest flag underwater to set a tougher record for the competitors to break.
Italy made the world record of the largest display of international maritime flags on 5th July 2018 where 1840 flags were displayed on a thread that is quite challenging for the competitors to surpass this huge collection of maritime flags.
USA holds the world record for flying together with the most different country flags from around the globe where nearly 800 global employees flown 426 different flags together on 12th December 2016.
The world record for suspending the largest country flag of 2,661.29 m² was observed in Thailand on 30th November 2016 where thousands of attendees participated in the ceremony.
The world record for the smallest national flag is owned by the Canada where The Institute for Quantum Computing created the smallest national flag of 0.697 mm² on 6th September 2016, using the nanoscale technology that can only be visualized with electron miscopy grayscale.
Guinness World Records Achieved with the Mosaic Country Flags
Canada achieved the world record for the largest mosaic country flag of 3.47 m using 248,062 bricks, on 28th June 2018. Similarly, the world record for the largest mosaic country flag of 60 m2 using envelops was accomplished by Bangladesh on 16th December 2019.
Pakistan holds the world record for the largest mosaic country flag of 89.98 m² using quilling paper. The record was achieved by the two Pakistani sisters Umm-e-Habiba and Umm-e-Rubab on 2nd June 2019.
Kuwait set the highest record for its competitors by making the largest shirt mosaic of their country flag, on 18th February 2019, that measures 1,570.55 m².
Italy achieved the world record for the largest mosaic country flag of 54.38 m² on 16th November 2019 using 11,664 chocolate bars of 3 different flavors i.e. lemon, vanilla and strawberry to represent the colors of the flag i.e. green, white and red respectively.
Mongolia achieved the world record for the largest origami mosaic of a country flag on 18th September 2017 where 670 students participated to make an origami mosaic flag of 1,167.44 m².
FlagsMart - Gracing All Country Flags
We reckon, all these Guinness World Records will surely illuminate your patriotism and will leave you wanting your country flag. Whether wanting an Army flag to express your gratitude or to embrace pride for the homeland, flags mart holds a vast collection of Flags for Sale. Our featured offers include all country flags, state flags, rebel flags, pirate flags, and army flags. We offer superior quality discount decorative flags at a wholesale price with the promising customer care services and worldwide express delivery.
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